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My (fairly standard) Edition 30

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To be fair Steve I think it has been proven on many occasions that alot of standard Ed30 are more than the stated 230bhp. I dont know why but it is true. So the addition of a full Milltek TBE could see an increase of 25+ bhp

Phil Mcavity:

--- Quote from: fastismycopilot on January 18, 2009, 05:35:56 pm ---
--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on January 18, 2009, 11:19:32 am ---You must have a car thats made from some kind of criptonite!.
I take it you mean kryptonite? Geekish point I know.....

Youve missed some rolling road days in which several Standard Ed30 cars were put on Dyno Dynamics rollers, one of the cars was tested on a set on rollers as stock and produced 260bhp, then went on these and produced along with 4 other stock cars, stock hoursepower. why do you think your engine/turbo will produce more then thousands of others???.
If you'd like to stop frothing at the mouth and use grammar and coherent sentence structure I might be able to answer you. At present it's like trying to decode the forum drunk. Is hoursepower(sic) measured over a period of time as well? By the way, one question mark works just as well as three unless your keyboard is doing a 'type two get one free deal', in which case, well done.

All im saying is you are not gonna get 40 bhp increase from a full milltek!!!.15-20 at the most.
Hmmm, try reading my post. At no point do I claim 40bhp from a full Milltek. Let's make it simple for you:
.1. Car tests at a 'stock' 240bhp (using this as the base figure as the further measures are on the same RR)
.2. Addition of Milltek takes it to a smidge over 260bhp (approx 21bhp, equating to 8.7% increase)
.3. Addition of Forge DV takes it to 270bhp which I stated that I found puzzling.
So, a 30 bhp addition, equating to an increase on the base measure of 12.5%, 3.8% of which I'm not stating is due to the exhaust and that I'm questioning myself.

Apart from the words, well done, an excellent post. There may be a career for you working for the Daily Mail, they seem to take the same approach to factual accuracy as you.

Have a look at these to see where im coming from and see why this has been covered over and over and over and over and over again......
Thank you for that condescending advice, I will do. Why don't you try reading my posts again and if there's any words you struggle with just post up. If the words are 'and' or 'it' I wouldn'd bother. You may end up looking even sillier.

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I trust I've addressed your issues above, even if I did struggle to understand some of the punctuation and spelling.

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obviously you did or you couldnt of worked out what to write

Phil Mcavity:
Mark, your missing this aswell!!! how can one engine bolted together with the same parts, same ecu, same coding, same exhaust, same intake produce more then one from the other!!!.

Point im making purely that one engine doesnt produce more then the one on the production line!.

Rolling road results are the ones that give some time inacurate results.

Vw arent going to sell a product that they state is 227 bhp when in fact not that figure at all!.same goes for a normal GTi, 197bhp etc.

They are what they are if the engine is healthly give or take a couple of bhp of course, or could slightly differ with the fuel its run on and air temperature has a factor aswell.


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on January 18, 2009, 06:33:34 pm ---Mark, your missing this aswell!!! how can one engine bolted together with the same parts, same ecu, same coding, same exhaust, same intake produce more then one from the other!!!

--- End quote ---
Steve I dont know the answer to that one, I was just stating that I have heard of alot of standard Ed30 getting greater BHP figures than what VW claim. It doesnt make sense to me either, but isnt that the same with the Nissan GT-R they get differing BHP figures but they are all made the same with the same parts? I know the GT-R is a bad example as the engine is hand built but even so.
Im not looking to upset anyone just stating what I know to be true. :happy2:

Phil Mcavity:
Hand built agree'd is different mark , quite correct, but an engine of the production line isnt gonna be better then the next unless its been mis-assembled.


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