now now Phil play nice with the new members

fastismycopilot : this as Phil says has been a hot topic of debate. Id suggest looking more at the relative increase than absolute figures
JKM (DD) rollingroad typically shows 'matching' OE figures (230 ish for a std ED30) (doesnt mean they are right though!)
Awesome/Proport etc tend to show larger numbers than this. (up to 255 for a std ED30)
As long as runs are repeatable then you can prove a % increase for a mod

, irrespective of the tuner you frequent.
imho adding a DV aint gonna add any bhp (unless you had a previous fault) more likely to be a run variation (temp etc)
If it runs great and pulls strong then as you say thats all that matters. besides with DSG its gonna fly...............
Anyway nice contraversial first post, welcome to the forum I look forward to your input.