Me thinks that there is something amiss with the dyno!!

The hybrid makes 13bhp LESS than mine, but is definitely faster

370bhp and 350lbft

I've driven it, Mike's ridden in it, Gojinder has driven it and we are all agreed that it is faster than mine, but yet the dyno doesn't reflect this. It is faster than Craig's car at Statllers, side by side and in gear and yet Craig's car has pulled well over 370bhp and 350lbft!
Steve said that the car was on the dyno an awful long time, but still didn't get the figures he expected.
I guess we will have to ultimately see what times it pulls at Inters to get a true side by side comparison with the competition.
Sorry if you are all feeling a little deflated right now, but I definitely don't want to post misleading figures. I'll see if I can get a copy of the dyno plot tomorrow

As you were guys.