Well today i checked the oil level for the first time since i bought the car 6 months ago and it was sitting very low (in line with he minium level), so i went to halfords and bought some castrol edge, fully synthetic, long life, 5-30 oil and the car took about 1 liter and this is only with me using the car for around 2000 miles (short distances) mainly.
I find this quite worrying that the car uses this much oil as ive had some bangers in my time and ive never needed to top up oil before

Is this a common characteristic of the gti or should i be worried. Also have i bought the correct oil, it said for Vag engines on the bottle and had vag standards on the lable 502 504 505 i think ?
Another problem is i went to fill up the washers today and it basically spat out he water i put in to it ! i was wondering if it is a bumber off job too get in to the washer tank and check for leaks at the hose connections ect, or if there was an easyer way to gain access
TA guys