Re. The red line going all the way down: Nothing seems to be missing, but I could be wrong. My car is one of the earlier models, it's a 55 plate.
With regards to how much I want to spend, I'm not too sure right now.
I was thinking about going for the Blue Fin stage 1.
Not too sure about anything else performance related, because for right now the performance seems adequate.
The really appealing thing about the Blue Fin remap is the "off and on ability".
With regards to inside, I want to get full iPod functionality; and as one of the standard HUs buttons doesn't work, I was thinking about replacing it with a single DIN aftermarket one. Specifically: are the best single DIN facia adaptors out there, and how good do they look in the dash?
Having finished the post, I'm starting to wonder as to whether this should be in the ICE section of this forum!