General > Shows, Events and Meets
Is there a forum national meet, if not why not?
I was talking and thinking the other day - is there a national or annual whole forum get together? If not i think there should be.
Surely theres enough folk on here to warrant a large meet, somewhere that would facilitate all the cars and is fairly central geographically to be fair for all north and south.
Obviously would need the backing/running from the maker shakers on here but would be a good meet surely
There have been a few meets tagged on to shows, but the only really successful forum meet was the first one (see two pics on intro page to forum).
Another national meet would be great and if it could have some other interest with it then that would be even better.
well im relatively new on here and dont want to seem pushy or authoritive with it but would be good to see all the forum cars in once place. So your thinking a bigger event attatched to the meet?
Usually GTI International is a good show and is well attended by all the usual forum suspects. Last few years we had a stand too :happy2:
This could be interesting... a massive scale meet
Then we need a massive scale motorway cruise with someone to film us all :jumpmove:
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