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Is there a forum national meet, if not why not?

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--- Quote from: joesgti on May 25, 2010, 01:47:40 pm ---usually we get from 10-20 cars on an avarage meet, would be good to get 100!!!  :party:

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theres gotta be 100+ people on here that would turn up for the big national meet photos get the trade guys on here to maybe come along, got jabbasport representation!  :drool:

RAF Cosford would get my vote :drinking:

Would folks be more interested in Cosford or similar due to the space and facilities etc?

Few miles north of Cosfords the Peak district, dont know if theres any scenic places a meet of this scale could happen?


--- Quote from: wigit on May 25, 2010, 09:27:38 pm ---gaydon were really helpful with the rocco event, robin and myself attended a large VAG meet there last year as well  :happy2:

cosford has vulcan content  :love:

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When we had the Briskoda meet at Gaydon there was plenty of space.

There is Vulcan content not far from there as well. :wink:


--- Quote from: Rich on May 24, 2010, 09:27:16 pm ---This could be interesting... a massive scale meet

Then we need a massive scale motorway cruise with someone to film us all :jumpmove:

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....You're such a young poser, Rich :evilgrin: - [I'm not, of course,  :wink:]


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