General > Shows, Events and Meets

Is there a forum national meet, if not why not?

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--- Quote from: wigit on May 25, 2010, 09:27:38 pm ---gaydon were really helpful with the rocco event, robin and myself attended a large VAG meet there last year as well  :happy2:

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....Yep, big open space at Gaydon too = ideal.  :happy2:

Does this mean we could finally get our own version of "everyday I see my dream"?

Would this be a 1 dayer?


--- Quote from: Very Cherry on May 26, 2010, 07:15:59 pm ---Would this be a 1 dayer?

--- End quote ---

....Anywhere would be a long journey for you, buddy, but I'm sure someone could give you an overnight stay to help the journey (I could help you possibly). Gaydon is in fairly easy reach from here.

Are you grooming me?  :grin:


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