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Awesomes Rollers Recalibrated

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no you were going to do it but i had to leave early remember. where abouts you based at?? i can let you get the logs off my car if  it would help you and robin  :smiley:

Down in Derbys, maybe another meet sometime as its not round the corner!

yea, will have to be. any meets in the pipeline that i shoulc know about??  :smiley:

Top Cat:
As regards to Phil I think he is like me when you dont know anything about Rolling roads you cant understand why a stock car out of the factory can have 20 or 25 more horsepower than VW's own testing. So when his car went on DD rollers and got pretty much a stock result then that has convinced him that there are errors in most other results. I knowing nothing about how this can be come to pretty much the same conclusion, i just shrug my shoulders Phil is defending something he does not uinderstand.  :fighting2:

nothing yet - your normally on top of these things, if you dont know about it its probably not worth knowing!

As for different results - they can vary slightly, better fuel, colder days for turbo cars etc etc but you should expect something around the stock figures, 260 from a stock 230 car it a little over IMO.


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