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Awesomes Rollers Recalibrated

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--- Quote from: Top Cat on November 03, 2008, 02:42:15 pm ---Phil is defending something he does not uinderstand.  :fighting2:

--- End quote ---

Couldn't have put it better!  :wink:


--- Quote from: neg on November 03, 2008, 02:44:27 pm ---As for different results - they can vary slightly, better fuel, colder days for turbo cars etc etc but you should expect something around the stock figures, 260 from a stock 230 car it a little over IMO.
--- End quote ---

Agreed.  But that is the massive problem with rolling road dynos.  They have to make a calculation, based on "guestimates" of what the actuall flywheel horsepower is - and I actually doubt that ANY rolling road or hub dyno can be proved accurate.

In fact, I'll stick my neck out.  No rolling road has EVER been proven to be accurate when quoting flywheel outputs.  There, that will stir up a hornets nest.


Yep, bumped into Joe at the RR day. Was happy-ish with the figures. 324bhp and 382lbft :scared:

Car is running really well at the mo.

Right then, Tom - here is the "alleged" reason why I only got 315bhp and 296lbft last time out at Awesome.

After I'd been on the rollers on the GolfGTI forum day in June I took the car out and it felt relatively flat. Neil hooked up the VAG-COM and did some logging that showed that the car was massively pulling back on the timing to 9 on all cylinders. As you can imagine I wasn't happy with this and took the car back to JBS. JBS told me that my ECU had been accessed and that their map goes into "safe" mode, so that competitors cannot read it.  They asked if I had taken it anywhere where this could have been done. The only place I had been was Awesome and JBS said that this was the only solution to why my RR day had been Bugg3r3d up! They re-flashed my motor and I could tell the difference immediately.

Draw from this what you will, but this is the reason why my results were drastically different this time to last. :smiley:

Sunglasses Ron:
I think Greenouse's results have quietend him down a bit..  :grin:

The fact there is no-one over there to argue with have quietened  him down a bit


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