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Awesomes Rollers Recalibrated

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--- Quote from: Hurdy on November 03, 2008, 05:51:01 pm ---BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :rolleye:

Yep, bumped into Joe at the RR day. Was happy-ish with the figures. 324bhp and 382lbft :scared:

Car is running really well at the mo.

Right then, Tom - here is the "alleged" reason why I only got 315bhp and 296lbft last time out at Awesome.

After I'd been on the rollers on the GolfGTI forum day in June I took the car out and it felt relatively flat. Neil hooked up the VAG-COM and did some logging that showed that the car was massively pulling back on the timing to 9 on all cylinders. As you can imagine I wasn't happy with this and took the car back to JBS. JBS told me that my ECU had been accessed and that their map goes into "safe" mode, so that competitors cannot read it.  They asked if I had taken it anywhere where this could have been done. The only place I had been was Awesome and JBS said that this was the only solution to why my RR day had been Bugg3r3d up! They re-flashed my motor and I could tell the difference immediately.

Draw from this what you will, but this is the reason why my results were drastically different this time to last. :smiley:

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Yeah I remember this Hurdy as I was in your car when Neil was doing the logging. I just do not believe at all that Awesome would tell owners who have had RR runs before the 'RECALLIBRATION' to take 20 BHP off their figures. Why would they say that when 2  standard Cupra's at the SCN shoot out gave 20 BHP more than manafacturers stated figures, AFTER the 'RECALLIBRATION' It's completely made up by somebody who has got nothing better to do, im mentioning no names  :angry015:

Phil Mcavity:
Excuse me T880MM, thats really nice to hear your thoughts, i had a phone call from someone saying those very words saying awesome rollers had been"Recalibrated" or from the same telephone convo, was told about the same with the stock cupra's pulling 240bhp :angry015:

 so why are you saying im making this up when i was told this was carried out FFS.

As i have been enjoying reading this new forum, and like some have said, i really couldnt give a stuff about mappping as i have no plans too, but again i get shot down for questioning something that i feel shows big gaps in peoples results all over the place.We all want to know why!!!, like many others cant understand why My standard car is 230 and the same with 5 other Standard cars  :surprised: and someone that lives 100 miles away gets 30bhp more as standard!!!!!. So i guess im a knob for questioning this on a public forum :confused:

It sickin's that you have this opinion of me, and im not a Tw%t like your painting me out to be.Im just a big enthusiast of the GTi and because i voice my oppinion. You northern boys have got such a bad impression of me.

I Look foward to meeting you at one of next years meets my friend, so as others i have met, im not in anyway like you think i am, and hope your man enough to shake hands and chat  :smiley:.

I guess im as bad for argueing a point that  , people agreed with what happened at jkm and said i got singled out for saying stock cars will only produce stock power,  and after seeing 6 mk5's pull stock last month, i get the piss taking out of me for questioning other rollers that are sometimes quoting upto 20%more then VW say.

Im gettin fed up now. :sick:   :fighting: 

Was hoping you'd have a good look around and get a good feeling for the place before you read that Steve  :sad:

Don't take it to heart mate, it's just a bit of banter  :wink:

I feel a group hug comin on  :grouphug:

Phil Mcavity:
cheers Nathan, you know what im like, youve met me, im not a man on a mission!!! i love these forums but hate it that people take the P!ss out of me.

Congrats on your results by the way,hope they do another DD day.  8)


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on November 04, 2008, 09:08:41 pm ---cheers Nathan, you know what im like, youve met me, im not a man on a mission!!! i love these forums but hate it that people take the P!ss out of me.

--- End quote ---

I really don't think they were mate, just take it in the way it was inteded and don't let it ruin your enjoyment of your new playground  :wink:

Get yourself in the meets section and make sure you attend the next one  :party:


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