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Monza II warranty replacements
Cheers, I've got a rough idea so I'm just going to push for all 4 to be replaced to ensure no mis-matches.
Wonder what they'll try and beg me to buy whilst I'm hanging around?
Top Cat:
--- Quote from: tony_danza on January 19, 2009, 12:02:39 pm ---Cheers, I've got a rough idea so I'm just going to push for all 4 to be replaced to ensure no mis-matches.
Wonder what they'll try and beg me to buy whilst I'm hanging around?
--- End quote ---
When i first read about the Ronals i came across it because a number of people where going into the dealers with only one wheel showing signs of the worm, but the dealers where saying dont worry we will replace all four. I found this unusual and my suspicious mind was telling me that there must have been a noticeable difference in the BBS and Ronals but apparently not.
So i would defo go for all 4. :wink:
--- Quote ---Wonder what they'll try and beg me to buy whilst I'm hanging around?
--- End quote ---
Probably there house, as their recent commission payments will mean repossession. :laugh:
The wheel man:
I had all 4 replaced about 2 months before the 3 warranty expired. I had been down previously to make them awaire of the problem and said i would be back when possiblem to do the swap (i waited till the last min!!)
From memory in cannot see any real difference to the face of the wheels but i think the rear part (where the weights are stuck) is slightly lower and hides the weights.
I even tried to get the Detriot's as replacements but they wernt having none of it :sad:
Detroits would be lush, I wonder.....?
They've just called back again and want me to go in for a chat on Saturday morning - hopefully they won't give me that look when they see its mods.
haha! i hate that look!
are detroits the black monzas?
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