Ive used red mist for well over a year now and ive never had any problems with it

But to be honest i wouldnt really class it as a Quick Detailer

More of a quick waxer lol!
IMO a quick detailer is designed to be used inbetween washes as a waterless wash product for lightly dusted cars not dirty but only lightly dusted

for example in car showrooms and car shows, wash your car before you go then when you get there use a quick detailer to remove the dust you picked up on the way.
The main thing i use it for is after a wash i will dry the car then use quick detailer to remove any water marks or smears left over and like Robin i keep some in my car so if i pick up some bird crap i will use the quick detailer to remove it.
For a quick detailer you aint going to get much better than Megs last touch or megs quick detailer as with any detailing product there are numerous different types available but if your looking to see what all the fuss is about start with either of the above and see how you get on.
Like i said red mist is awsome stuff i use it inbetween waxing just to top up the protection and give a little extra gloss its also awsome to use on your wheels.