Okay, whereas the further forward that AeroCatches are fitted, the less leverage any wind/airflow will have to force open your bonnet, the anchor pin bolts obviously need to avoid the headlight units. At the same time, the other important consideration is what part of the car you bolt the anchor pins to. The bonnet slam panel is steel and sufficiently substantial. So I have fitted mine more or less in the same position as Neil. The difference is aesthetic in that I have dissected the angle between the bonnet edge and bonnet crease which meet in a 'V' at the front edge.

^ Dissecting the angle and marked out for cutting.

^ Angle dissected so aesthetic lines lead into the point of the 'V'.

^ There is no clash with the headlight units (OEM Xenons in my case).
An alternative would have been to use one of the twin OEM Torx positions to fix the AeroCatch pin through the slam panel to the steel car body itself (shown red in my case). But perhaps this is where it may have necessitated shortening the AeroCatch pin to avoid the headlight unit. This isn't possible on the passenger side with a Twintake installed because one of the Twintake's intakes uses the two OEM Torx fixings.

^ I had to avoid my Forge Twintake.

^ Best to have a little movement in the anchor so that the male AeroCatch mechanism can ease into the pin's female opening.
Rather like.... Let the Gentleman Sausage meet the Lady Garden
I have chosen to retain my factory fitted bonnet catch in addition to the AeroCatches and am in the habit of always releasing the AeroCatches
BEFORE releasing the OEM bonnet catch from inside the car. This avoids putting undo strain on the AeroCatch mechanisms.