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Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links

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Very good write up Mat, thanks for taking the time to do this  :happy2:

mat, whats the pros/cons to this kit as a pose to getting the eibach? im thinking of getting eibach front and back at awesome on wednesday


--- Quote from: JPC on January 19, 2009, 09:22:17 pm ---mat, whats the pros/cons to this kit as a pose to getting the eibach? im thinking of getting eibach front and back at awesome on wednesday

--- End quote ---

i think the neuspeed one is thicker and is adjustable ie 2 settings ie normal road use or race setup so stiffer  :happy2: if you are doing the back i would get the droplinks they are stunning bits of kit  :drool:


I'm not convinced about the Neuspeed droplinks - They certainly look strong but VWR have done goodness knows how many hard racing miles on the oem droplinks on lots of VW cars and never had a problem. With V3 coilovers I'm not sure I need a stiffer rear end.

I'm just not very confident about Neuspeed products - They seem to be good at producing good-looking gear that's not needed - I'm particularly referring to that rear triple boot strut thingy. The Turbo Discharge and Charge pipes I bought by them, following Awesome's advice, have had no measurable performance gains.

Just my current opinion.

the thing with vwr is most of there cars are on the track and are very well looked after but mine has done 10k on the neuspeed arb and it was just too much for the vw droplinks on hard setting  :rolleye: most companies bring out lots of cheap crap that they claim do things that they dont and u need to make your own mind up as to what is good for u. I am more than happy with neuspeed and Awesome gti for there help with the problem and will test these out over the next year on the road and on the track so they will get some stick and if they are going to brake i am sure i will find out  :happy2:


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