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Author Topic: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!  (Read 11298 times)

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2009, 01:27:02 pm »
TC, I don't think there's much in price difference between the Brembo kit and the RS4 kit? but an 8-pot and bigger discs for the same price, that's why I'd choose the latter.

My brakes have gone to ratsh*t - there's been a difference of opinion on what I think is acceptable clearance between the disc & lower ball joint and the makers of the custom bells think is... I looked into a change of bells for an equivalent AP version in a lower offset, but it was just a royal pain and would have made any future issues tricky. So they've gone back, I'm getting a refund and I'm looking at either the version6 of the VWR kit, or an AP 362mm kit that's just been developed for Mike Kurton's Scirocco race car with the help of Mark Farmer.

I want the VWR kit, JonnyC will tell you just how good it is.. and he should know a decent set of brakes. But if the APs come in significantly cheaper, then I may have those. The VWR kit is super trick, and therefore carries a worthy pricetag.

It all depends on what I can afford as I'm probably going to to have to front another £xxx to make up the difference from what I paid... I got my kit at cost as a "sorry" for something. I hope the new "sorry" can make up some of the £ difference to assist my choice.

I'll square the full story as to the how and why once my money has landed back in my account.
Sideways yo!

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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2009, 09:19:52 pm »
As hufc decided against this set (although not having much choice I know) and got his refund and they went back up for sale I though someone's going to get a deal on these and in all honesty I felt quite bad in doing this but I ended up emailing the guy as it wasnt a million miles from me - hell if someone was still going to get a good deal why not one of us!?!

He said he had few offers from other people and and after a few emails and a phone call I decided to go a meet up with the guy as he seemed quite desperate to get them sold as he is now out of work.

To be honest it was a complete impulse buy, I had no itention of upgrading my brakes but I knew if I could get them someone would take them off my hands as I know a lot of people are intersted in the R32 upgrade route.

I dont know how he would have posted them anywhere, they would have needed to be put onto a crate or something due to the weight - I had difficultly getting them out the boot in the double skin box they were in as it just collapsed.


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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2009, 10:31:05 pm »
As hufc decided against this set (although not having much choice I know) and got his refund and they went back up for sale I though someone's going to get a deal on these and in all honesty I felt quite bad in doing this but I ended up emailing the guy as it wasnt a million miles from me - hell if someone was still going to get a good deal why not one of us!?!

He said he had few offers from other people and and after a few emails and a phone call I decided to go a meet up with the guy as he seemed quite desperate to get them sold as he is now out of work.

To be honest it was a complete impulse buy, I had no itention of upgrading my brakes but I knew if I could get them someone would take them off my hands as I know a lot of people are intersted in the R32 upgrade route.

I dont know how he would have posted them anywhere, they would have needed to be put onto a crate or something due to the weight - I had difficultly getting them out the boot in the double skin box they were in as it just collapsed.

Glad you got a bargin mate!

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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2009, 10:38:28 pm »
Just thought being local was too good to miss completely - just didnt want to piss anyone off, I am a nice guy honest  :wink:

Like I said still not 100% sure what to do, will get them painted up and see
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 10:47:12 pm by neg »


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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2009, 10:52:34 pm »
I am going to get the brembo's when the money allows! How much did you end up getting them for if you don't mind me asking?

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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2009, 11:10:40 pm »
same as you more or less minus the posting fee's etc.  Which I thought was ok as its the full set - although not 100% you can fit the rears still...


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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2009, 11:27:19 pm »
Cool! Only thing that worried me was the disc's being skimmed! Hope the are not warped!

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Re: Finally found a R32 Brake setup!
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2009, 11:42:36 pm »
They look ok, in fact pretty new in a way - no corrosion on the middle section etc.

We'll see...

Thinking about it I am overdue for new discs on mine anyway