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Author Topic: Volksie MK3 VR6  (Read 1532 times)

Offline 08micsta

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Volksie MK3 VR6
« on: June 02, 2010, 10:48:40 pm »
Hey guys

I know this is a MK5 forum but I simply cannot bring myself to go onto a local VW forum.

I have two buyers for my Mini which is going for R45 000 at present.

However its replacement... I was thinking 1.8T Audi A3. Then I got swayed by a 2.0 TSpark Alfa Romeo. Then a 328i E36 sabotaged my brain. Shortly thereafter this little bugger popped into my head.

A lovely MK3 VR6.

- Not fast, but fun enough.
- Intoxicating noise.
- Airbags (probably dont work but hey its peace of mind)
- Aircon
- Comfort
- Cheap

Fits all my categories then.  :star:

I will be raped by the fuel bill but I really like this. Anyone here had one before?

My dad had on of the first in the country (he had it personally shipped over before local launch) and I can still remember the joys we had with that car. Such a beaut. Maybe this is to blame for my attraction to the VR6 powah.

Thoughts anyone? And no hating on any of the cars above.

No PAS. No ESP. No DSC. No TCS. No ABS. Just my right foot between me and oblivion. Oh - And a seatbelt.

Offline BeezerDiesel

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Re: Volksie MK3 VR6
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 05:00:39 am »
I've owned a couple of VR6s, but this was quite some time ago and they were only a few years old at the time. Keeping in mind that they would now be over 10 years old it is essential that you buy a really well cared for car. How well to cars generally get cared for in ZA?
The VR6 isn't as bullet proof as say an old 4 cylinder GTI but it's a lovely engine. They're not good on fuel but not that bad really, no worse than a mk5 GTI.
Subject to having all it's original panels I doubt the MK3 rusts as bad in ZA as it does in the UK, but the mk3 was never as well built as a mk2. Many UK mk3s were built in ZA.
What can I say about the cars? Well, they go quite well, very revvy and responsive but lack a little mid range urge, the power delivery is very linear. They sound sublime.
The suspension was slated back in the day for being awful. It can be improved massively just by adding a set of good quality gas shocks though. Most will probably have had a suspension kit put on by now anyway as the original kit will have been knackered out years ago.
Inside looks fairly modern, bit plasitcky on the dashboard side of things but far more modern looking than a mk2s interior.

So that's about it, any of your choices will be okay. The A3 obviously by far the best car there but probably also the most expensive.