Speaking about big numbers, i was reading in performance VW about JD in Holland developing a stage 8 with well over 500BHP for the Mk 5 platform the other 7 stages where already done.

Stage 8 lol..
Well I could run up to 575 Crank HP with the turbo Im thinking of but im really not confident about the DSG at that power with the stock clutches..
Also there comes the point at which that power is going to only be usable over 120mph, which is pretty pointless on the road..
If I went BT on this car then the power I would aim for would be a reliable, and repeatable 475 crank HP. Before I get to that point im planning on sorting everything else out, and I mean everything!
Really the last part of the car that I would need to address once I finish the plans that I already have the car would be to allow modify the car such that it would enable me to run a 265/35/18 tyre, so that means lots of work for the arches, wide front arches and flared rears, 9inch wide rims etc etc.. That would really help with the traction!