Hey guys
I know this is a MK5 forum but I simply cannot bring myself to go onto a local VW forum.
I have two buyers for my Mini which is going for R45 000 at present.
However its replacement... I was thinking 1.8T Audi A3. Then I got swayed by a 2.0 TSpark Alfa Romeo. Then a 328i E36 sabotaged my brain. Shortly thereafter this little bugger popped into my head.
A lovely MK3 VR6.
- Not fast, but fun enough.
- Intoxicating noise.
- Airbags (probably dont work but hey its peace of mind)
- Aircon
- Comfort
- Cheap
Fits all my categories then.

I will be raped by the fuel bill but I really like this. Anyone here had one before?
My dad had on of the first in the country (he had it personally shipped over before local launch) and I can still remember the joys we had with that car. Such a beaut. Maybe this is to blame for my attraction to the VR6 powah.
Thoughts anyone? And no hating on any of the cars above.