exactly REVO are asking for fueling that a stock pump cant supply

mine doesnt request more than it can, it produces exactly what is specified accross the entire RPM. from looking at other guys logs on Vwvortex, it seems like APR stage 1 cars also meet requested.
it does look very much like revo ask for a higher rail pressure than other tuners
Giac dealers also recommend an HPFP with stage 1, im not sure if they request more than delivery like revo as ive not seen any logs for giac software, but i was thinking they must if they are recommending an HPFP, i was told not to even considder fitting my ITG until i had an HPFP.
Why would a tuner as big as revo ask for more fuel than than the car can deliver, thats not right !
Well if bens ED30 has revo stage 1 where the fuel pump is struggling from the start, surely the addition of the intake and exhaust is going to cause a further leaner mix and possibly triggering this fault