Nipped into McDonalds for a deli sandwhich after doing a couple of logs. A fellow came in and asked if the red sporty car was mine...
He'd come in to tell me he'd witnessed someone reverse into my car and drive off. Very good of him tbh! Gave me his number so he could be an eye witness.
By the time Id managed to bring myself to look at it the stupid wench had been back, put a note on my window and drove back off.
So gutted!
Her mother works in the Police so theyve done things by the book. Maccies manager said it was on CCTV and I reported it to the police. Going to ring her insurer in the morning. Tescos, anyone dealt with them??
Pain in the arse is im due to go back to Germany in 2 weeks!!


Another thing is id only just had a geometry setup hours before and the b*tch reversed into my wheel

/rant over