Hi Everyone,
I thought I may aswell sign up on here to help in my search for a GTI.
Im currently driving an MR2 Roadster which has been a bit of fun the past couple of years especially when the weather is like this! Previous to this I had a Lupo Gti on H&R's and a Polo for few years beforehand so I have missed the VW scene over the past couple of years and could do with something a bit more practical as my missus has a Tigra so between us we have pretty useless space.
I regulary drop in at my Local VW forecourt to see whats about but finding alot of nice examples on the dealer network are down south or oop North! Im hoping to keep an eye out for a beauty on here as I find that enthusiasts take care of their cars as much as I do.

There seems to be a fair few ED30's for sale, not many Pirelli's though so I am guessing these are Uber rare?!
I'll keep my eyes peeled!