sorry fella i get you now
scene points i just dont get as like you i get things for the car that i am going to use hard and make the driving better and also explore the chassis more
i just dont see the point of slagging something off people have never tried or owned as with any new product its a learning curve as things work on track but are just too much for road life.
Which makes it all the more important that products are properly tested instead of hurriedly put into production and in effect people who buy products at
VAST cost become the testing program. Its frustrating when products are very hyped by people on any number of forums without
all the testing having been done or the products being proven.
They may well end up the best brakes on the planet, but until they do lets let the brakes do the talking instead. Lets also let people discuss their posible failings as a contrast to those who advocate then without reason or reference to the undertone that there
may be some issues with them.
If you charge top dollar then things better be right, if you paid 1800 quid on a remap would you accept it if it misfired sometimes or on occasion wouldn't start. Would you expect it to be right "out of the box". Im good freinds with the new Project Mu dealer for the UK so Im aware what these kits cost wholesale - even with double duty, VAT and shipping theres enough margin for these to be properly tested.