So Ive nearly killed my R1Rs in around 3000 miles, excellent tyres, best Ive ever used and make the GY F1 assys which I always bought before seem a bit lacklustre. Even now at min legal tread depth these tires just grip and grip once warm after 5 mins use, and I couldnt go back to a inferior tyre.
However last I heard a few months back the prices for the R1Rs have shot up and I dont really fancy paying nearly 200 notes per tyre.
So been having a quick look for a replacement and have found these for 150 notes a tyre. The yoyohama ADVAN Neova AD08, and by the sounds of it they are yokohamas equivelant of the R1R but with a better treadware rating than the R1Rs by 40.
Anyone tried these tyres? Seem to be v.popular in yank land so will give em a go!