well today I recieved a call from my friend who was on his way down with a mate of his to buy a remapped 08 s3 (315bhp) quattro
so took the gti up to meet up when he got back
he took me out in the s3 then pulled in and let me blast it back down the road

first impressions:
interior finishings were amazing, total class apart and it really stuck to the road. Pulled beautifully in all gears and generally was incredible stuff.
( the roads round here are amazing and there were plenty of twistys as well as some awesome straight sections to really give it some beans.)
so got back and I took the gti out.
expecting to be completely humbled.
straight away he says.
wow tartan seats, jumps in and says wow this wee things great.
( I just thought he was being nice )
anyway off we go same road etc,
first thing he says is this is really quick. it feels so urgent, love the steering wheel, its much better than mine, nice and chunky
into a few corners and he is grinning from ear to ear, straights come and it pulls near enough bang on to the s3
this is am awesome wee car.
dv and induction kit make it seem so much more of an event, feels more connected than the s3 etc etc.
so we pull up and he is well impressed.
i was proud as punch

now considering the s3 is 14k more i think part of him was thinking hmmmm
so drove home happy as larry and I couldnt be more happy with my car

the longer i have it the better it gets :)
although average of 18mpg tonight means its another fill up tomorow

the end: