could tell you some really interesting stories involving court cases, destroyed engines, ripping people off, falsifying "independent" tests and how things may or may not have been acquired about many different people. But I won't.
If you ever get chance to speak to the old skool who built proper big turbo 1.8Ts and forced '6s when the whole tuning scene kicked off back nearly a decade ago, you'll hear the true horror stories. Forum stories are a drop in the ocean when it comes to the serious stuff.
I know who I can trust and stick religiously to it. I wouldn't say don't use X, Y or Z - for most generic stuff they're fine, but do some research into anyone before going and spending thousands....
I really don't understand why people feel it is necessary to defend something they have absolutely no financial or vested interest in, what does it matter to anyone if someone else thinks A.N.Other tuner is crap?
If you're happy with what you've got and what you paid for it, then leave it at that - unless of course you actually check what you've got and find it not to be what you think it is.....
Now, can we get back to Germanic foods and beverages?