Hi Chaps,
As some of you may of read on my members intro, I have had some Speedline Turinis on order for the past 5 weeks and have ordered them in Anthracite. After reading on Audisport.net that Speedline no longer produce them in Anthracite, I spoke to my supplier on many occasions regarding this and he assured me that they still do and they will be delivered in the colour I required.
Well they came yesterday

and guess what? They're SILVER!!!!

I can not tell you how immensely fooked off I was (and still am), as the car will be wheel-less as from next Fri (TD's are going back on Ben's car).
Anyway, after a slightly heated phone call this morning to the supplier and them just pinning the blame on Speedline in Italy. I have finally managed to get £160 refunded back to me to go towards them getting painted. So guys, has anyone got anyone they can recommend for the job. Don't mind paying decent money to get them done as I obviously want a professional job doing with them being brand new wheels and not cheap. I live in Lincoln, so the closer to there the better ideally..

Thanks in advance for any suggestions