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Help needed with a my sale of my .:R32 via ebay, anyone offer advice?

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--- Quote from: Very Cherry on January 23, 2009, 07:14:50 pm ---i will do  :happy2:

i'm now in full paranoid mode lol

i've got someone who wants to come and see it on sunday and is bringing their dad with them.  he says he's a named driver on his dads company policy so it means he will be fully comp on mine according to him. no documents no driving for him tho, even then i dont like the idea of test pilots

--- End quote ---

that will be for cars he owns though, i doubt he will be covered for your car

damn i hate selling cars, far to nieve at it

surely though you would want to drive a car you were intending to buy? i love the plan of not letting him drive it, or anyone until they own it.

so even if he turns up with proof of insurance then i should say no to him actually being in the driving seat? one of my mates said that i shouldnt let him drive it on sunday as his insurance company might not answer the phone for confirmation, that and the banks are shut so it would be his word and a bit of paper (would i put him off if he thinks its fine but i still say no?). the car wont move to a new home until all cash is cleared or is usable

should i demand bank transfer only with a cash deposit do you reckon? not just with the guy on sunday if he's interested, but as a general rule? not sure if i trust bankers drafts.

i could have avoided all this by px'ing it in when i bought the new one but they offered me a mere £6.5k  :surprised: so naturally words like.........."cha" and "right" and "monkeys my fly outta my xxxxx first" lol

selling cars, not fun with so many dishonest people about at the moment  :confused:

Top Cat:
A test drive is to check the car is in the stated condition you can tell this from the passenger seat, i would only let them drive it if it was a deal breaker. There insurance will only cover them third party so if they stuff it you or they will be payingi think.
And bankers draft is the best way.  :happy2:

Altered Carbon:
Just to echo what Topcat said - if he's on somone elses insurance as a named driver, he is almost certainly not covered fully comprehensive to drive yours. What I've done in the past is told anyone coming to view that if they want to drive the car, they'll need to bring down an insurance certificate with their details, specifically showing they are covered to drive my car i.e. with the make model and registration number stated of mine on it.

One of my mates let someone test drive their Lancia Delta Integrale years ago and they planted it into a drystone wall. They weren't covered = my mate £10k+ out of pocket.

Yeah, I've never let anyone drive my car when selling private. 

I drive and ask them what they want me to do and follow their instructions (as long as it's safe and legal !! :grin: )

With regards payment I'd be very very careful these days ... make sure you have swotted up on how to identify forged notes if they are paying cash.

If they want to pay with a bankers draft, ask them to phone through to you the cheque number and issuing branch address and telephone number in advance.  Then check the bank details (address & tel. no. are correct) and ring the bank and ask them to confirm everything is OK with the cheque.  :happy2:


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