Have you actually spoken to the dealer about the problem?
I only ask because mine went in earlier this week for "dead air-con", which turned out to be (as-expected) a dead compressor. They originally quoted me £780+ but after speaking with VW head office and taking my full VW service history in to account (my car is an '06 and out of warranty) they reduced the bill to £130. Unfortunately the parts are on back order so it could be a while before I get working air-con again but still... £130 beats £780 any day of the week. 
I haven't dude.
I think you're very lucky there as I don't think they're legally obliged to cover that once the warranty expires, unless I'm mistaken? I think that's a fabulous bit of service you've received there.
Why did they drop the bill by £650, particularly as it's relatively easy money? I'm pleased for you but I think I'd be wasting my time trying at my dealership, on past experiences.
If anyone can confirm my OP with a positive answer, then I can repair the situation for £260.00 all in which is quite cool
