I reckon I will probably regret this....but decided to go back to VW for this service......(two reasons, they were £30 cheaper AND I want the ecu version reflashed if necessary).
So...first off I go to the service desk and say,
"whilst its in, can I ask that you get the Service Tech to verify that the ECU is at the correct version number and that it is fully up to date...."
Service Reception...."no sir"..."its not something that we would do unless there actually WAS an update showing for your car, which there is not!"
"me, yes but can you please request that they plug in their vcds/ pc and verify that I actually HAVE the correct level of sofware loaded"
SR..."Are you experiencing problems?"
Me.."not until I had this conversation,...." (thinks it though I didnt say it!)....
Me..."look, I dont think you are understanding what I am asking you to do. Please can you ask your technician to verify the software loaded is at the correct version..."
SR...looks at me incredulously....
Me...I am thinking now, give me the keys I am out of here...but ok...I decide to humour the boy....
So I explain further....."The car was previously remapped, I got the REVO software on the ecu removed."
I think at that point SR can see I am in mood to be f@cked with anymore....
"yes, sir I will put it on the job sheet!", "But its unlikely that ...."

Fully expecting a phone call saying that they will reflash for £60 or something...God I hate main dealers, why did I do this?
If there are any advisory items I am going straight back to the good guys at a4audi ....fully expect I need new brake pads soon, will prolly stay stock, I'm kidding myself on if I think that i will upgrade to R32/S3 or anything sexy.