General > Old Event Details
30-130mph Day!
--- Quote from: pomme on February 02, 2009, 07:20:52 pm ---im really really interested in this would be see if the car can really max out its gears :driver:
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helllllllllo mate :P
Sunglasses Ron:
I maybe able to make this now.. :wink:
--- Quote from: Vtec Abuser on February 06, 2009, 09:38:52 am ---I maybe able to make this now.. :wink:
--- End quote ---
Nice one matey, all details above, you've got Neil to keep you company but of course I'll be over to see you all anyway! :happy2:
Sunglasses Ron:
You running I take it mate?
What is the latest you need payment by? As I don't want to stump up £95 and then find out I can't make it. Also do I just send my detailss to you mate?
Yes I'll be running mate. Just use the details on the other page, that way you deal direct with the MLR, money and info needed by 13th Feb, after that you won't get in! :wink:
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