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Separating car related stuff and other stuff in the for sale section.

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Err?.. I'm in a good mood this morning.. About to build a swimming pool in the garden..               

For frogs!  :laugh:

Yes, I can understand your point about time dedication. Not quite sure about how excluding non-car stuff ensures no rip-offs. Anyway, I'm only expressing another point of view to add to the mix for you to decide.  :drinking:


--- Quote from: SteveP on June 22, 2010, 09:01:56 am ---Good morning Robin glad to see you have taken your happy pill today   :booty:

--- End quote ---

vRS Carl:
I think you should still allow non car stuff to be sold.

Surely you can appoint a moderator of the for sale section?

I do think it is a benefit to all members to give the forum a chance to buy something from someone they may have a bit more knowledge about than a complete stranger.

An idea might be to either Charge a nominal membership fee (say £10 a year) which brings amongst other benefits the ability to sell stuff on here. I certainly wouldn't mind paying a nominal fee for a few extra benefits.

Or you could limit it to say having a certain no. of posts in the post count (say 250) if you don't want to charge.

Or even a combination of both :happy2:

It's not so much it requires a moderator it's the problems when things go wrong, every week I get at at least one message about someone who paid for something that can't get hold of the seller. This is 99% related to non car parts.

Also on the membership stuff we are, based on the member feedback, not going to be doing any time soon.

The decision isn't final yet so would like to hear other peoples views too.

I would advocate a minimum number of posts for "non-car items". 250'seems like a fair number. You can't reach that number just by spamming a few threads.


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