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The new 3"" system now a small sound clip

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ok guys well today i had a new exhaust system built for my ed30  :evilgrin: and after having a cat back Milltek on the car for a while i thought it was time to go custom  :rolleye:, so after abit of thought i gave the guys at a call to see what they could do for me and i told them what i wanted from the system and after a chat and a few emails to Nigel at blueflame he said to bring the car in on Friday for the guys to do the first system for the ed30 golf.
so i turned up this morning at 9.30 and handed my keys over to the guys to start work and was told it would take all day to do as they need to make a jig for the system to be made on so when it get sold in the future they have the plans set out in front of them. I got a nice visit from Top Cat at around dinner time who waited the rest of the day with us and took us for some dinner at the local KFC  :party:  :happy2: and at about 5 ish we heard the the car fire up  :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :drool: this thing sounds  :evilgrin: and even Top Cat was like oh my god that sounds  :evilgrin: so while it was on the ramps i took a few pics. its 3"" all the way and is a non res system, this thing is not subtle  :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

i will add to the review over the weekend when i have stuck some miles on it and let u know what i think  :drinking:

oh and u can see the walk kit on the car in the pics  :happy2:

Thanks again TC  :happy2:

Phil Mcavity:
Sound or video clip would be good Matt if you can  :wink:


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on January 23, 2009, 10:12:03 pm ---Sound or video clip would be good Matt if you can  :wink:

--- End quote ---

soon fella  :rolleye: this thing pops and spits  :evilgrin:

looks tasty mat    :party:

Phil Mcavity:

--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on January 23, 2009, 10:13:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on January 23, 2009, 10:12:03 pm ---Sound or video clip would be good Matt if you can  :wink:

--- End quote ---

soon fella  :rolleye: this thing pops and spits  :evilgrin:

--- End quote ---
Sounds just like My wife ;)


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