Surely some black tape will solve the problem. 
Heh... I have to admit I did try this, two layers of black electrical tape... made no difference!
Bumper on, and can't reproduce.
Without anything, then as with a lot of others it drops the bars on the display, but doesn't lose the signal itself, and invariably, when it is reproducable, the signal is already a bit iffy anyway.
I've had a few qwerty keyboard Nokias, including the E90 which if you held in the keyboard state would drop from full to one bar just like this because you had your hand over the antenna. It's just unfortunate that Apple chose to literally expose the antenna in the way they have - seems a bit of a school-boy error really!

Still, overall I find the iPhone 4 is giving me signal in places I couldn't get signal before. It's also a lot quicker to recover a signal if it loses the network than the 3GS was.
I just bought one of these on Friday!! Doh! Is this true ? Are they giving them away if you complain? Bugger.
I bought one too thinking there was no way Apple would give in and do something like that. I bought one of the last in the Bristol store, so I wouldn't see them able to give them out anyway!

I'll believe this when I see it anyway, there's a lot of rumours flying about with no real substance at the moment. I'm sure if someone
has had a freebie then it was probably only a manager discretion type thing!