For those that wanted pics:

Why? well I found that most intakes on the Mk5 are stupidly noisy which is mainly due to manufacturers using very thin walled tubing that creates a very 'whooshy' noise at low throttle and low rpm. The Dbilas uses a much thicker wall cast material and doesnt have the whooshy noises, but the Dbilas airbox IS restrictive due to its rubbish design, logs show a difference of 200mb extra boost pressure and around 18g/s more on the AFM logs at some rpm points. Intake temps under load are no different despite the open filter and the car feels so much better under light and heavy load, more eager and hits peak boost a LOT earlier. It also sounds great. Nice and quiet when you want it to be as well.
I can get these filters in for around £40, if you have a Dbilas, give it a go. I will gladly refund you if you are not happy with the transformation. (above gains / results are based on a stage 2+ K04)