I did a lot of research into this company before I bought their M-Flash product in the new year.Like Scopes I also spoke personally with Jason armed with some probing questions gleaned from various posts from this excellent forum.
I was totally assured and purchased.
I have,nt advertised the fact purely on the basis that I paid nearly half the price a major tuner is offering and did,nt want the "get what you paid for" quote,(which I'm of the opinion any member who does quote that is only looking after my back).
I understand TC when asking scopes to stop advertising an unknown company to members, it is unknown on here and thats spot on TC for protecting the membership.
I,ve known about this company for over 2 years and the cars that have used them,one of which was the red polo gti that joined us last year at santa pod.That had an R32 owner scratching his head wondering what the hell was in there..

I joined the recent seatcupra.net rolling road along with Jonno and JPC... 3 runs 260bhp.
This is more than "major" tuners are stating from a stage 1 I know..Jason when asked quoted a "nice 250".. Maybe the rollers were out.
I,m happy with it and fully understand members comments,like I said,its not sour grapes just good guys watching out for us tight arses.