General > Product Reviews

Forge CatchTank System - Review....

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--- Quote from: Teutonic_Tamer on September 01, 2010, 03:22:55 pm ---
--- Quote from: RedRobin on September 01, 2010, 02:50:42 pm ---^^^^
@ Sean aka T_T:

I think it's extremely good that you add what is either your opinion or your expert knowledge to a thread such as this. However, I'll leave it to others if they want to debate or discuss the details further on this particular subject.


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That's fair enough - but in your original post, there are some fundament technical errors - which ought to be highlighted.

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....No problem  :smiley:. Some of what I have posted is info I have gathered and may indeed either have errors or may not be in agreement with you.


--- Quote from: kevinm on September 01, 2010, 06:24:04 pm ---
Why is there only 2 rubber blanks provided when there are 3 nipples?

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....I'm using 2 of the 3 nipples, so 3 blanks aren't needed:


--- Quote from: RedRobin on September 02, 2010, 06:36:37 pm ---

....I'm using 2 of the 3 nipples, so 3 blanks aren't needed:

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But I wont be using any. I just got my catch can yesterday and i only got 2 blanks...


--- Quote from: kevinm on September 02, 2010, 06:46:49 pm ---
--- Quote from: RedRobin on September 02, 2010, 06:36:37 pm ---
....I'm using 2 of the 3 nipples, so 3 blanks aren't needed:

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But I wont be using any. I just got my catch can yesterday and i only got 2 blanks...

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....Give Forge a call: 01452 380999 (John Withers) and they'll post you what you need.

Hi Guys,
Just been looking at this, can anyone tell me how this system releaves pressure without it venting to atmosphere but also losing the return to the inlet manifold? Bit confused as to were it goes obviously you constantly have blow by even more so as revs increase so does this not just pressurise the crank case/rocker cover?
Sorry if im just having a moment  :signLOL:



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