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Bodywork repairs
I have badly gouged and dented the rear bumper of my Audi A4 Avant (the family barge), thank goodness it wasn't my Mk5 GTI, on a low wooden rail fence - the overall shape of the bumper looks to be ok its just that I have a very specific 2 inch dent and scrape. Does anyone reckon that it might be repairable rather than needing a replacement. I am hopeing that someone knows of a top quality bodyshop or plastic welder in the Hampshire/Berkshire area, to be honest I would go further afield as its dead difficult to get a top flight body/trim repairer.
I can recommend a smart repairer in the Hampshire Berkshire area to deal with those parking dents and similar if you need one - these guys have never let me down.
Any help/guidance is appreciated. Many thanks.
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