General > Random Chat

The NEW Gamertag Thread

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--- Quote from: B3n on August 02, 2010, 05:27:06 pm ---Right then folks now that we all seem to be online again well apart from JPC who must be hiding in shame after i last pwned him.
Whos up for a private forum match???

Said place and time is still to be sorted but what you all think?

Oh and before i forget its for the PS3

--- End quote ---

Yeh im up for giving you a lesson in mw2 :evilgrin:

Im free most week nights apart from friday :happy2:

^^^^ im up for this u2 iv added all the ps3 boys 2 my friends list so hopefully see some of you online soon

Right then shall we say Thu at 8.30?

Time to start a list of who's in

1) B3n


Sorry I couldn't stay long to play RobH, dinner called!  :party:

1) B3n
2) RobH
3) stealthwolf


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