I have recently installed an aftermarket intake on my TFSI vRS Octavia, the car is standard apart from the induction kit.
It is a bit of a hybrid from a Pipercross venom kit, but with a Jetex open cone instead of the Pipercross venom filter (as it was too big physically).
From about 4000 rpm onwards on full throttle I get this annoying whistling/whining noise coming from the engine bay.
Here is a video link with exactly the same noise but from a BSH True seal intake, watch the video from about 1:12 onwards
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGysDM-nc0QDoes anyone else have this problem? Any ideas of how to cure it?
I have checked that the MAF is seated properly and the clamps are tight on the intake.
Here is a pic of my intake:

Please help.