Sueprchips make more like 275-280bhp in reality, not 300bhp, they do pick up a bit of torque though. Bluefin is just a very safe 1 size fits all generic map, unlike a custom tuned map or REVO etc... which are all finely tuned using datalogging on the road/dyno to get it perfect.
I took a Superchips bluefin tuned 200 tfsi in recently for a dyno test, it ran a standard power of 192bhp and a 'tuned' power of 216bhp with a gain in torque of 37 ft/lb. The customer wasnt happy so we tested a REVO trial which made 239bhp and an extra 65 ft/lb of torque with about 30 mins setting up over their basic settings, all tested back to back on the dyno.
There is no replacement for 'real tuning'