General > Shows, Events and Meets

Heads up - Silverstone BTCC qualifying + Airshow - 21st August.

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Bit of a 'mare for me at the moment.  :sad1:

Just dropped the cat off at a 24hr vets for overnight IV fluids and blood glucose and ketone monitoring.
I have to pick him up tomorrow morning drop him at the Vets for 8:30 for further tests, then I will be in a position to say I am coming or not.  :sad1: :sad1:

Oh bum.

Top Cat:
Thats a real bummer.  :sad1: hope the cat is ok, and you make it to the event. I should be going to this thanks to PG.  :jumping:

im defo there tomorrow. just undecided whether to go for first free practice at 10am or skip that and get there for 2nd FP.


--- Quote from: chungster on August 20, 2010, 10:19:07 pm ---im defo there tomorrow. just undecided whether to go for first free practice at 10am or skip that and get there for 2nd FP.

--- End quote ---

Thought you'd be checking out natalie

Who's Natalie???


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