Hello chaps,
I played around with the wiring without fitting the DRLs this evening. I had a different take on the wiring picture you put up earlier, Carl...same idea but a mirror image of your diagram. I am looking at the connector on the
offside EDIT: nearside lamp which may explain it though

This one goes like:
9 7 5 3 1
( ]
10 8 6 4 2
1 -Black
3 - Brown (thin)
5 - Brown
7 - Brown
9 - White/grey
2 -Brown/blue
4 -blank
8 - Black/white
I am talking about an Octavia like Carl's but I believe they are the same.
So, to the point.....These DRLs
can be switched off when the headlights are switched on using the yellow wire on the DRLs:
To cut a long story short, and after a bit of trial and error with a multimeter and then temporarily wiring in the DRLs,
connecting the yellow wire to position 6 (yellow/black) will kill the DRLs when the main headlamps are switched on. Vice versa, the DRLs will re-illuminate when going back to sidelights or switching all lights off.
I could not get the DRLs to switch off with the sidelights only.
This tallies up with what I found with the multimeter....
1 - is the switched live. Connecting the DRL red here will switch the DRLs on when the key is turned to ignition on / car is started as mentioned previously. It read 12v with ign on and 0v otherwise.
6- is the headlamps as above
8 - is full beam (but we don't want to wire the DRL-off to that)
...but I couldn't find a 12V out from the sidelights (only 0.5V at position 9 but certainly could not find a full 12v source from anything other than switched live with sidelights activated and a 10v at position 2). Similarly, going to 'real world wiring', touching the yellow DRL wire to all the other connection points failed to switch them off other than position 6 (no problem) and position 2 (which seemed to activate a weak attempt at the windscreen washer pump when touched causing a 'WTF moment' and rsulting in that idea getting the boot!!).
I could bang on about what voltages I picked up with parking lights, indicators etc. but it is all irrelevent - In summary (unless having the headlamp unit connected starts affecting things through the CAN-BUS or something) the only option is that the DRLs will be auto-on with the ignition by connecting the red to the switched live at position 1; will be auto-off with the main lamps lit (manually or via 'Auto lights' setting with you posh GTI owners, I guess

) by connecting DRL yellow to the yellow/black at position 6. They don't
seem to be affected by the sidelight voltage. This has been confirmed with the DRLs wired in. Or you could ignore the DRL yellow all together and have them on all the time and be a bit saucy like Carl
