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Bracknell Mini Meet Sunday 25th July - 6:30pm Shell Garage A322 RG12 9SE

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Is this for my benefit meeting at a Shell garage?  :confused:


--- Quote from: Hedge on July 24, 2010, 07:01:37 pm ---Is this for my benefit meeting at a Shell garage?  :confused:

--- End quote ---

never entered my mind Hedge,  :grin:  :wink:


--- Quote from: Thor on July 24, 2010, 10:28:08 pm ---
--- Quote from: Hedge on July 24, 2010, 07:01:37 pm ---Is this for my benefit meeting at a Shell garage?  :confused:

--- End quote ---

never entered my mind Hedge,  :grin:  :wink:

--- End quote ---

Or the fact it is right next door to KFC. Small family bucket for sir?  :signLOL:

So 1830 at or around the Shell Garage... I'll just look for the other Golfs :P

Won't be coming today chaps.

Although, what is the plan? I assume you're not just going to stay at the Shell? I might be done at around 9, so can come afterwards.


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