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Bracknell Mini Meet Sunday 25th July - 6:30pm Shell Garage A322 RG12 9SE

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--- Quote from: Hedge on July 25, 2010, 05:02:29 pm ---I think I will be giving this one a miss as I have not long had the cat back from his 5 day stay at the vets. :sad1:

--- End quote ---

Thanks for letting us know Hedge  :happy2: 

Ile still be popping down only 2 mins away for me plus i need food and petrol! Wont be out for that long tho...

Good to meet you guys last night! The truck vs bus incident was entertaining!


That was amusing! Lol tidy motor you have there! Reminds me of my old gti!!


--- Quote from: Jonboy72 on July 26, 2010, 07:55:47 pm ---Good to meet you guys last night! The truck vs bus incident was entertaining!


--- End quote ---

Was indeed amusing. That one hour or so of watching the road was a real eye-opener as to just how bad most people are at driving...


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