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BVF Malvern Saturday Pics

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Great pics Andy!  :congrats:

I really should make the effort to go to this as it's so close!


--- Quote from: big al on July 13, 2010, 07:31:05 pm ---Golfgirl, sounds like the price has gone down, I went 3 years ago and paid £50 (though it was on the gate)

--- End quote ---

Interesting.... I've been going since 2003 and have never paid that much.  Even Vanfest in September isn't that much, and that's a much bigger show.  Like you say though, could be something to do with paying on the gate....

Nice photos, I went today and it was a bit empty, but still worth going. Spotted both your car Wigit and Golf Girl's, I'll post the few iPhone photos I took tomorrow  :happy2:

Nice pictures of some loverly looking VW's.


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