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Author Topic: Servicing . . . . again  (Read 1222 times)

Offline Murray86

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Servicing . . . . again
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:18:48 pm »
Hi Folks,

Owner of a 54 plate 2.0 GT TDI with 66000 on the clock. Full VWMD service history. The car is currenlty on the longlife service plan and accordinging to the book is not due one till March 2011, to far way in my opinion!

As mentioned previously the car came from auction and was checked over and given a minor service by a friend.

I've got some spare dosh and want to make sure everything is spot on so plan to give it to the dealer for a comprehensive service!

The question is what do I ask for? My knowledge of engines etc is limted and I don't want to be ripped of.

Coolant flush and replace & oil change is on my list. What else should i ask for, a full list from you chaps in the know would be appreciated?? (TB done last service)


GT TDI 140

Offline Tarmac_Terrorist

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Re: Servicing . . . . again
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2010, 01:27:37 pm »
Brake fluid every 2 years - air con regas / top up also recommended every 2 years.
Cam belt / tensioner & water pump every 60k / 4 years.

If you've FVWSH then some of the above may have been done already - possibly not cam belt though?

I'd definitely get an oil change with longlife oil to be sure. As you say, March2011 is a long time away.

Don't overlook the bodywork service - whilst your enthusiastic about your new ride, why not get is professionally detailed?  :happy2:

Offline Murray86

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Re: Servicing . . . . again
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 03:21:10 pm »
Brake fluid every 2 years - air con regas / top up also recommended every 2 years.
Cam belt / tensioner & water pump every 60k / 4 years.

If you've FVWSH then some of the above may have been done already - possibly not cam belt though?

I'd definitely get an oil change with longlife oil to be sure. As you say, March2011 is a long time away.

Don't overlook the bodywork service - whilst your enthusiastic about your new ride, why not get is professionally detailed?  :happy2:

Cheers, I just popped down to my local VW dealer at Gorgie, Edinburgh. Full service for £229 all in (apparantley a special deal they have on). Booked in for Monday. Chap also said because car is over 4 years old it qualifies for 10% off parts and labour.

I considered shopping around but thought that even if i could beat the price elsewhere its always good to have the VW Dealer stamp.

I have also switched from Longlife service plan to time + distance as i'm only doing circa 10000 a year.
GT TDI 140