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Goodwood - Breakfast Club - Performance Car Legends - 1th August

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I'll see if my good lady can drag her carcass out of bed early enough and we'll have a mooch down.

If the weather is good I'll bring the Elise up again.


--- Quote from: vRStu on July 29, 2010, 08:04:24 am ---I'll see if my good lady can drag her carcass out of bed early enough and we'll have a mooch down.

--- End quote ---


I should be there. This was a good one last year if I remember correctly.

vRS Carl:

What date is the 1th of August :confused:  :evilgrin:


--- Quote from: vRS Carl on July 29, 2010, 10:19:07 am ---Ian

What date is the 1th of August :confused:  :evilgrin:

--- End quote ---

 :pomppomp: Someone spotted my deliberate mistake. Shame on the rest of you. :chicken:


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