Gaz and VRSy,
Yes on reflection the pump has smoothed things out a lot, (I suppose more linear), as before (and I'm exagerating here) it seems a little on and off before.
It keeps me satisfied for a while, I guess until I start dreaming of a bigger intercooler.
PDT and Hurdy,
I've since taken a look at some logs and also been advised by my tuner that peak power does come in at somewhere around the 6500rpm mark, so little point in going to 7400rpm. - I'm still experimenting as this pump new map set up is only a day old. - I'm guessing based on advice 7k is about right for a change up??
As I noted in my original post I'm just trying to get some opinions on driving style with this set up to preserve longivity, maximise enjoyment and performance. I'm not querying whether the set up is wrong I have great faith it is right.