So after talking myself out of it for the last two weeks I took the jump today as I could not wait any longer and fitted my new RNS 510 version C LED !
Thanks to everyone who pointed me towards the guides and do's and don'ts !
I have never attempted anything like this before and am usually the one who pays a garage £30 to fit it !
Now everytime I look in the car it feels that little bit special that i have acheived something myself !!!!!
So onto the RNS, I have a 2006 56 Golf GTI - can gateway not known but im guessing I should have battery drain, but lots and lots of communication with VRS Carl we feel they may have solved this with the 2680 firmware (which mine has)
So call me a test case but fitted this morning, drooled for 1 hour, drove for an hour ! then parked in drive since 10 am !
The battery has not gone dead yet ! but i will let you all know !
So again big thanks to everyone on the forum who helped me do this ! and VRS Carl (who offered to fit it for me) I would still like to come over this weekend to get coded properly if ok with you !
Thats if I dont have a dead battery !